MSc program for IDB Eligible Member Countries, 2018 Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is offering expert's grants in Science, Engineering, Technology, Medical Sciences, Statistics, Demography, Econometrics and Operational Research and other related fields. Candidates must be a resident of any of a qualified part nation. The target of the M.Sc. is to help qualified nations in the advancement of their HR in science and innovation that are both applicable and essential for their financial turn of events.; Client Review0 (0 votes) The reason for the Bank is to encourage the monetary turn of events and social advancement of part nations and Muslim people group separately just as together as per the standards of Shari'ah i.e., Islamic Law. Candidate's language capability must be upheld by a report or testament, e.g., for English, by a perceived language endorsement, for example, TOEFL or breezed through required level assessment led, for example, by British Council or comparable framework in French).

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