Google experience in different country - Essay ExampleSome countries, though, do not have preference to access it for different reasons, ranging from cultural heritage and leading technology. For instance, Google France, German and Japan contested Google’s applications including its ability to address censorship and prolific advertisements. Likewise, these countries contest the use of digitalise books from American universities, which are actually supported by the American culture. To counter unprecedented Google dominance in the global sphere, each country created their own search engine with appropriate government investment. In France, the Franco- Germen project Quaero ensued in 2005.Then, in 2007, the Germans decided to develop their own project, Theseus. Finally in Japan, the Grand Voyage Project was developed in 2005 in response to the needs of the local population. All projects contained more visual imagines to beat Google; however, these countries’ investments are not substantial when compare to Google’s financial base.