Explanation Of Multi Camera Production Media Essay During the beginning of the second semester of multi camera production we were introduced to the News Production. News in the media refers to the sector of mass media that mainly focuses on the current news to the public. As broadcasting news is watched all over the world and the number one news channel is the BBC. The BBC is widely broadcasted all over the world covering range of stories for the public interest. News is often reported by a number of sources, such as newspapers, television and radio programs, wire services, and web sites. News coverage is a kind of reporting normally written or transmits in news styles. Most news is investigated and presented by journalists and can be shared to various outlets. As technology has come a long way it has come into the work place of the news broadcasting, as news is covered from all areas of the world and anywhere and anytime journalists have to think on their feet as some stories they may cover do not allow a news crew and cameras at a particular scene.

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