Social Causes Of Poverty Sociology Essay Although many people blame poverty on the poor, social attributes have increased this issue significantly. Social causes of poverty consist of lack of education, the family, too low of wages, immigration, and minimal job opportunities. In nearly every society today the male is the dominant figure over the females and whites are believed to be dominant over all other races. A persons sex or race fall into play in every one of the social causes of poverty. According to Alex Thio, poverty is usually measured in two different ways absolute or relative poverty. Absolute poverty is the lack of minimum food and shelter necessary for maintaining life. Relative poverty is a state of deprivation resulting from having less than the majority of the people have. The widely accepted definition of poverty is those who earn less than half of the nations median income are poor because they lack what is considered to be needed by most people to live a decent life. [1] The more education an individual has the more money that individual makes.
ial Causes Of Poverty Sociology Essay