As human beings we take everything for granted. We think not of the struggle that nature endures to blossom into something that we can find divine. Nor do we think about the hours and passion that a writer may have put into that piece of literature we pick up and read. We are expectant creatures who complain when it’s too hot outside, not even thinking that, that warmth is keeping us alive, or we get mad when it rains too much, not appreciating it for keeping nature flourishing. Ralph Waldo Emerson talks of humans’ disdain for nature and how detached we have become in his piece “Nature.” We’ll take a look at Emerson’s opinion on the lack of compassion and awe that mankind has for the world around them. Nature was not uncommon to be a…show more content…Emerson makes it very clear that it is absurd that we are ungrateful for the flora around us when it is never unkind or unforgiving. Whereas the busy industrialized world will eat you alive, the calm invitation of nature will accept you gladly in its presence every time.

ritical Analysis of Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson Essay 


Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights is an Extremely important part of American History. In the late 1700s the Bill of Rights was created to give Americans a basic set of freedoms. These freedoms have always been greatly valued by the American people ever since the Bill of Rights was created. The first amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the freedom to petition the government. Freedom of religion allows people to choose who and how they worship. In many countries people are forced to worship a certain god and this freedom prevents such from happening. Freedom of speech allows people to openly express their opinions. People can express them self freely as long as they are not making false accusations or harming another person’s reputation. This amendment also allows people to join clubs and groups. These clubs and groups are a good opportunity for people of the same beliefs to get together and voice their opinions.

From Prison to Praise – Theology Essay Free Online Research Papers From Prison to Praise Theology Essay It’s not popular to be a true follower of Jesus Christ. Throughout the centuries of church history, believers have been persecuted and imprisoned for their faith. Even today multitudes of Christians throughout the world are imprisoned for sharing their faith in Christ. Even in Canada preachers are being thrown in jail for preaching the Word of God and taking a stand for righteousness and morality. Perhaps you are not in a physical prison with iron bars and razor wire, but you know you are bound, chained, and imprisoned by a much crueler captor. Multitudes are locked up in a prison of fear, depression, despair, destructive habits, deception, and sin and death. “For the devil prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” We are admonished to stand firm in the faith. No one is exempt from the enemy’s attack. (I Peter 5:8-9) But Jesus came to set captives free and bless them abundantly.

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